NIHDI amount of a performance

Legally agreed amount that a care provider (e.g., a physician, a physiotherapist...) is allowed to charge for performing that service.

Third payer rule

Under the third payer scheme, the insurance company will pay the amount of the insurance contribution to the cost of the fees directly to the health care providers (physicians, dentists, etc, ...). In other words, the patient will not have to advance this amount. They only have to pay their own contribution.

Own contribution on hospital stay costs = legally defined personal share per day/performance

Each patient will have to pay their own contribution on their hospital stay/performances. This amount is determined by law and depends on your insurance status as a beneficiary with the hospital. You can find the amount of this legally defined own contribution per day (from the 1st, from the 2nd, and from day 91) of your admission in the:

Room supplement (single room, double room, multiple room)

A room supplement is EUR 75 per day for a single room. For a double or multiple room, you do not pay an additional room supplement. (Dated January 2015) 

All information can also be found in the:

Fees (fees + supplements)

Supplement for a performance: amount charged to the patient on top of the NIHDI amount (e.g., because the physician is not part of the Convention, because of the specific request for a type of patient room, etc.). The price will depend on your choice of room. If you choose a single room, you will pay a room supplement and the treating physicians may charge up to 150% as a supplement to the fee. This applies to both the performances and the fees.

All information can also be found in the:

Pharmaceutical costs (flat rate for medication)

Each patient pays a flat rate contribution of € 0.62 per day for reimbursable medication (pharmacy). This has been established by the NIHDI. Non-reimbursable medication and products are charged in full to the patient. These are pharmaceuticals, implants, prosthetics and non-implantable medical devices. Regardless of the room type, these costs may be partially or fully charged to the patient. This cost depends on the type of room and the materials and products selected by the patient or prescribed by the physician. The price of these materials or products can be obtained from the treating physician or hospital upon simple request. (September 2014) 

You can also find all information in the:

Reimbursement rate of a performance

Portion of the NIHDI amount that is reimbursed by the mutual health fund.

Convention on fees

Health insurance companies and physicians agree on prices, to avoid unpleasant surprises for patients after visiting a physician.If a physician has signed this Convention, then he or she is said to be "conventioned".

All patients in the hospital get their treatments and examinations in accordance with the conventioned rates, except for MRI tests . These rates are posted in the waiting area of the examination rooms.

You can also request a list of products and services that do not have a strictly medical indication with applicable rates from the Admissions and Registrations department.