KCE's interactive tool for addressing lower back pain

This interactive care pathway is based on the clinical guideline on low back pain and radicular pain of the KCE, which was published in May 2017. It was developed in close collaboration with the Spine Society of Belgium and with representatives of GPs, physiotherapists and other practitioners of manual techniques (osteopaths and chiropractors), specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, anaesthesiologists/algologists (pain clinics) and psychologists. The working group was also able to call on the expertise of occupational therapists and ergonomists, occupational physicians and physicians-advisors of mutual health organizations for all work-related aspects.

The 3 principles of the care pathway :

  • Avoid an approach that is too medical, as the symptoms often improve without medical treatment;
  • Pay attention to the risk of chronic pain;
  • Ensure a timely intervention to prevent chronic pain (in case of lower back pain) or permanent injury (in case of radicular pain).



Guidelines for using anticoagulants

When to stop using blood thinners/When to substitute them?

Click here  to consult the guidelines.