An exercise test or "ergospirometry" is a cycling test to measure your fitness and exercise capacity. You will therefore be required to make a maximum physical effort.

The test is performed on the 4th floor in the physical medicine department and is administered by a pulmonologist or a physiatrist.

The test always requires a medical prescription. Please bring a referral letter with you the day of the test.


Avoid strenuous exercise in the 4 hours preceding the test.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes.

Do not fast: always make sure you have eaten a light meal.

For reliable results, we recommend that you do not smoke for 4 hours before the test.


Duration: 60 minutes

  • The test always starts with a basic pulmonary function test (spirometry) and recording your vitals (height, weight, oxygen measurement, blood pressure and heart rate).
  • You will then take a seat on a bicycle.
  • Electrode stickers will be placed on your upper body to check your heart function (EKG).
  • A blood pressure cuff is attached to one of your arms and an oxygen saturation monitor is affixed to your finger or ear.
  • Cycling starts out very light and then gets heavier with every minute that passes.
  • While you are cycling, the air you inhale and exhale is measured.

The oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations are compared, providing information about your fitness and ability to exert yourself.

Sometimes the physician will need to take blood from your artery before and after the examination. Sometimes lactate values are measured by taking a small amount of blood from the earlobe.

Sometimes, further pulmonary function tests are performed after the cycling test to check for exercise-induced asthma.

You will be monitored by a physician during the test.

The result is sent to the referring physician.